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Understand and explore what you are experiencing, and learn to recognise the signs, symptoms, and triggers of anxiety, so you can deal with it better using the tools and techniques in the next section.

The circle of control

Stress and anxiety often blurs the lines between what we think is under our control and what is not. This can often lead to disappointment – and even more stress. Here is how you can find find that distinction…

Why SMART goals are critical (with worksheet)

Setting goals helps us to gain more clarity about what we want to achieve and how we want to achieve them. They also give us a sense of control and awareness of time, which help reduce anxiety…

Dealing with negative automatic thoughts

Automatic negative thoughts (negative thoughts that often distract you when you are trying to focus on something, or consciously trying to relax) can impact the way we feel, and cope. Here are a few tips…

Recognising anxiety triggers (with worksheet)

A trigger is any stimulus – a person, place, thing or situation that manifests an unwanted emotional or behavioural response. Here are a few examples:

Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

In order to cope effectively with stressful events in our lives, it is essential that we understand how our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are connected….

Time-travel to gain some perspective

This pandemic has twisted our sense of accomplishment – what we have achieved, and what will can in the future. It is time to evaluate – and you will be surprised at what you see. Here we go…


Watch our experts talk about some of the most important aspects of mental health during the pandemic

Negativity & dealing with Worry

Counseling psychologist Sonakshi Mukherji talks about some important tools and techniques you can use to deal with constant worry about your health (and other things) during tough times.

Care for Caregivers

Psychologist and entrepreneur Priyanka M B talks about caregivers burden and how we can ease it. As professional caregivers (doctors and nurses) find themselves in the news, it is critical to talk about family members who provide care, even as they face the highly likely scenario of testing positive themselves.


Listen to these podcasts to learn some important techniques for self-care and grounding during the pandemic

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Psychologist Sonakshi Mukherji helps you deal with negativity and worry through a series of powerful affirmations.

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Self Care

Putting our own well-being can be tough when we are caring for others. This session with our psychologist reminds you to take care of yourself.

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