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Time-travel to gain some perspective

    This pandemic has brought us to terms with the fact that life is indeed short. Instead of ruminating about the past, it has paved a way for us to be grateful for how things have been for us. During the course of time, we may have undermined certain accomplishments or achievements of ourselves because we did not think of them being any more significant than the big goals we had strived to fulfill.

    This exercise will help us acknowledge some of the things that have gone well in the past, rather than focus on our mistakes.

    Looking back

    Choose any time-frame to reflect on. For example, use a time period (e.g., “past year”), or a life event (e.g., “since I had my first baby”). List your achievements from this time, even if some of them seem to be minor.

    Describe what a great day would be in that time?

    What were some of the things you found to be special there?

    Which lessons have led to your growth during this time?

    List five things you were grateful for during this period of time.

    Who did you find around you?

    List three challenges that you overcame during this time

    Keep that in mind, looking back, yes, things have gotten very difficult and out of hand. This is because of the entire pandemic. Now let’s look forward to a better and hopeful tomorrow!

    Looking forward

    Research evidence shows that picturing the best versions of ourselves increases positivity and enhances one’s intrinsic motivation. Now think about where you want to be and what you seek to achieve and see yourself as within a time-frame in the future.

    Choose a time-frame to think about. For example, use a time period (e.g., “next 6 months”) or a life event (e.g. “by the time I turn [pick an age]”).

    What are some of the things you would like to achieve during this period?

    List five things you are looking forward to during this time.

    List which relationships you would like to strengthen during this time period?

    What can you do to help others during this time?

    Ideally, how different would you see your life be during this time?

    Write this down on a piece of paper and stick it on a wall. Refer to it when you feel overwhelmed.


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