Inspiron Psychological Well-being Centre – Positivity. Happiness. Psychology.
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Simple Stress Evaluation

    1. How often do you wake up refreshed after a good night of sleep?

    Think for a moment before you choose your answer. If you want to change the option, you can reload the page and start the evaluation again.

    2. How much attention do you pay to your food habits?

    3. How well can you handle your emotions when faced with stressful situations?

    4. How self-aware are you when it comes to stress?

    5. How easily do you open up about your emotions/feelings to friends (and family)?

    6. How energetic do you feel going about your day-to-day activities?

    7. Can you focus on tasks at hand?

    8. While coping with stress in the past...

    9. In the past 2 weeks, have you noticed your heart racing, or felt breathless, or sweating, or weakness in legs, or shaking hands, even while not physically active?

    (Example, while sitting for work, NOT after exercise)

    10. In the past 2 weeks, have you noticed recurring headaches, stomach pain, or muscle pains?

    11. How do you rate your engagement in interests, hobbies with people?

    12. How are feelings and emotions affecting your work?

    13. How do you evaluate your decisions?

    14. How do you rate your irritability?

    15. Do you feel disappointed or critical about yourself?

    Simple Stress Evaluation
    Mild stress
    Your score indicates mild levels of stress. Recommendations: Eat more nutritious meals, Ensure that you get a minimum of 6-7 hours of sleep. Explore journaling and indulge in sporting and fun activities. Click on "self-help" section to know more.
    Moderate stress
    Your score indicates moderate levels of stress. Recommendations: Eat more nutritious meals, Ensure that you get a minimum of 6-7 hours of sleep. Explore journaling and indulge in sporting and fun activities. To learn better ways of managing stress, consult one of our counselors.
    Severe stress
    Your score indicates severe levels of stress. Recommendations: Please consult with a counselor to seek professional help.
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