Inspiron Psychological Well-being Centre – Positivity. Happiness. Psychology.
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General Health Questionnaire

    Been able to concentrate on what you’re doing?

    Lost much sleep over worry?

    Felt you were playing a useful part in things?

    Felt capable of making decisions about things?

    Felt constantly under strain?

    Felt you couldn’t overcome your difficulties?

    Been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities?

    Been able to face up to your problems?

    Been feeling unhappy and depressed?

    Been losing confidence in yourself?

    Been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?

    Been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered

    General Health Questionnaire
    Poor General Health
    This score indicates an immediate need for professional help. A few signs that you may have poor mental health - Feeling tired all the time, unmotivated, frequent panic attacks, unknown pain in any part of the body and frequent bouts of anxiety. It is highly advisable to contact a professional so as to prevent further deterioration of your state of mind.
    Moderate General Health
    A moderate score indicates a need for immediate attention. Poor mental health could be caused by a number of problems in the environment or a culmination of personal beliefs and external triggers. While it could still be manageable individually, seeking professional help is recommended. A few signs that you may have poor mental health - Feeling tired all the time, unmotivated, frequent panic attacks, unknown pain in any part of the body and frequent bouts of anxiety.
    Good General Health
    The score indicates a slight inclination towards poor mental state. While the current state is manageable, this could lead to several other problems if not properly taken care of. Although professional help may not be necessary, you could try to find out the cause for the deteriorating state of mind and try to improve or learn to cope.
    Normal General Health
    A normal score indicates good mental and physical health. However, there are ways to still maintain and build your mental state through activities of self-care. If you believe you are in need of help, please contact a professional.
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